
Your Total Billing Solution...
Do you need assistance processing claims or with patient billing?
Do you need assistance with complex compliance issues?
Are you overwhelmed just trying to keep up with industry changes?
Are you a small individual or group practice struggling to stay alive?
Are you tired of dealing with insurance carriers?
Are you unhappy with your current rate of collections?
Are you a new practice?
If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, Elbec Medical Business Systems can help you! As an extension of your office, working closely with you and your staff, you'll discover a stress free solution and a profitable financial future!
Claims Filing Only (Without Follow-up)
- Entering and submitting primary and secondary claims, per date of service.
- Posting of payments only on primary claims requiring a secondary billing.
- Submitted Claims Report that includes claim detail as well as information needed in order to perform in-house tracking of claims.
Full Service Billing (Insurance & Patient) & Practice Management (With Follow-up)
We offer our clients a customized Flat Monthly Rate. Please see "Compare" expenses for more information.
Full Billing Services Include the following:
- Entering and submitting primary and secondary commercial claims, up to six CPT lines per date of service.
- Entering and submitting Monthly Workers Compensation Claims with required attachments.
- Entering and submitting Monthly Motor Vehicle Accident Claims with required attachments.
- Following up with insurance carriers and/or the clearinghouse to assure claims have been accepted.
- Calling insurance carriers to check the status of your claims.
- Posting payments to your insurance claims or self pay patient accounts.
- Tracking unpaid procedures and sending Letters of Medical Necessity when necessary.
- Resubmitting claims to an insurance carrier, upon request.
- Notification to our clients regarding any "Incomplete Claims" which were unable to be processed as a result, or when additional information is required by the insurance carrier to adjudicate your claims.
- Generating patient statements (paper) on a monthly basis to any patient with a balance due of $2.50 or more.
- This shall include any balance due remaining after the insurance carrier has made payment, and if balance billing is permitted in the provider's agreement with them.
- While routine waivers of co-payments is not advised, if a patient has not paid their co-payment at the time of service a patient statement will be generated and an additional $5 processing fee will automatically be applied to that patient's account. Patients are informed in advance of this fee, if you choose to utilize our version of the New Patient Information Form. Otherwise, a sign should also be posted near the reception area.
- Patient Billing also includes generating statements on a monthly basis to any uninsured (self-pay) patient who has not paid at the time of service. This can also include those patients who are placed on a payment plan.
- Elbec Medical Business Systems uses a collection method with patients, and will continue to work with any patient that has a patient due until instructed to do otherwise by the Client (usually turned over to a collection agency or written off after a 90 day period).
- We encourage all of our clients to establish a merchant account (MC, Visa, etc), if not done already. By offering your patients alternative payment methods (cash, check, credit card, payment plans) you will greatly increase the odds of receiving immediate reimbursement. You will also decrease the odds of incurring additional expenses associated with collection agencies (which can as much as 50% of the bill)!
- End of Month Reports that reflect: Claims Submitted, Accounts Receivable Aging, Practice Analysis, and Unable to Bill out Report (a list of patients who require attention and/or additional information).